HydroGraphics ... What is it?
HydroGraphics (also known as water transfer printing, immersion printing or hydro-dipping) uses a hydrographic film which is transferred by water onto three-dimensional surfaces. This method can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hardwoods and other types of materials.
I am Mike Smith. I have been doing HydroGraphic work for over ten years. I am TWN Industries-certified as a Water Transfer Printing processor as well as a Master Decorator.
My Process
I work with you to pick the base paint color and film pattern for your piece to be hydro-dipped. Then it is prepped for the hydro-dipping process. After the piece has been dipped and cleaned, you will see how the "old" has been turned into a unique piece. Once approved, the piece is finished with a clear-coat to keep it looking beautiful.
Completed Pieces
Contact me at the e-mail below to start your custom piece.